Thursday, October 3, 2013

New Ways of Thinking On Your Retirement Phase

I will start my sharing anchored on my WHY…that is to ask on why people seek and so do I?... what is that why; well it is smartest way to ask Why I am afraid… what I am afraid of the Economic Insecurity. How about you? Are you secured with your present job? and/or current business endeavor?

In a similarly situated predicaments, is fast rising in the hearts of individual, who faced with the possibility of near bankruptcy, due to rising cost of living and the unavailability of high paying jobs, are focusing their attention on alternatives, in the market, which will help them to fend for themselves and their families.

This is why many are on the lookout for any secondary source of income or planning on financial security measures, which will act as backups in case of financial emergency like losing their job.

Others who are already suffering at the hands of social trends are desperately trying to make ends meet and look for a chance to restart their careers. There are also others, who by keeping tabs on the market patterns have managed to accumulate more money and are further trying to cash in on their winning streak, hoping their years to come will be secure.

That is why choosing the right kind and so-called ‘in’ profession is very important yet is not a guaranty to fit in longer as desired, and be happy. Whether it is a sit at home kind of venture or an out rigorous field venture, nothing else ensures success except its demand in the market, even amidst a full-scale economic crisis.

Yet uncertainty and insecurity plunged in today’s set of economy, there is an immaterial boundary involving employed, unemployed, and under-employed so with the full-time doing temporary work. In the present time and situation, clinging to job security is no longer the menu of the day as it holds true 25 years back or so.

In the arena of traditional business and marketing, the recurring menu is “struggling and imbalance financial statement”. Backyard enterprise imminently faced with positive problems ranging from short supply resources and know-how in running the business affairs, and face with far-fetched challenges and possible face up with big chains and large distribution system.

Humbly to say, and to borrow a statement [One of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century is that you can change your life, by changing the way you think], which validate my quest to set my mental attitude to become entrepreneur without having to set up a business system… what? You may surely inquire on the same, and I squarely answer Yes, I acquired it 2nd quarter of 2013.

This is because the system has been organically running, giving pretty much profits on those who believed on it, and to say the least helping people to get out the rat race by charting their way out on to financial liberty. Simply put, there is already a system that works, what you need then is to drive it out by following the time-tested procedure.

Awesome! You know in an honest telling, I got it all information 2nd quarter of 2013, and just recently had been rekindled when I've attended on 26-27 September 2013, a Financial Coaching Seminar in Cagayan de Oro City.

Just to give a glimpse on the know-how I've got in the aforementioned seminar, viz:
1). Building A New Industry In The Financial Industry: A Business Plan;

2). 6 Steps to Financial Security: Mission of the New Industry

3). Understand How Money Works:

3.1 You must take care of your responsibilities while building your wealth;
3.2 The Wealth Formula;
3.3 The X-Curve: The Law of Building Wealth; and
3.4 The 4 Cornerstones of a strong financial future.

In due time, I will decode the cipher, and the same will be forwarded into your doorsteps for free, I promise to you, since I am trained to provide information of value.

In the previous chapter of my existence, I have the opportunity to serve my country in a way of hollowed out information not just to safeguard national security interest, obtaining significant information of value anchored on Knowledge is Security.

And now, still I am here again, an information provider. I have strategic information at my disposal, and to tell honestly this information is all about you…how you’ll trek and so get in touch with your goals in life.

As my mentor Bo Sanchez would say, “Before you grow your finances, you should grow yourself first.” He says we should invest in ourselves — in our education — rather than on things.
I invite you to invest in your greatest asset — YOURSELF! Read books. Attend seminars. Seek mentors.

For Your Success!

Jay M. Tan

P.S. Take note of this: Financial Independence is not a dream. It’s a decision. In the present time and condition, a time of too much information circulating much over the internet and the Web. It is my humble submission that you've got to have a plan. That is why when I named this digital piece “you have to think differently” for me is to have a plan, this because majority have no plan to execute. Hence, they are roaming around doing things impulsively what others did.

P.S.2 Why planning is significant? This is intimately related to a query “why are a fool and his money so easily parted? In omnibus, it is my humble observation that it is must to have a personal financial planning considering that if you don’t have the same; it is highly likely you’ll be tempted to spend foolishly on liabilities instead investing for your retirement, and to fattened your money. Second, others will make blueprint for you, and so with your resources vis-à-vis your money.

P.S.3 Your plan, more so your personal financial plan is your navigational route prototype for you to take on your journey to financial liberty. That is why, it is said that plan gives you the important bit-how you are going to get there.

P.S.4 Allow me here to share my side project to generate cash flow,which the same invested to create further capital viz dividends and the like...


  1. that is very wise of you ...seem you are very well verse na in law n bisnis ...keep it up Jay !

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Mrs. Kawanishi thanks for the awesome comment, I am just only passionate to share my financial learning to include online side project...
