Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to Manage Your Money Effectively to Retirement

        Now is the time to discover the best way, when to safely accumulate more money. The sooner you empower yourself with the knowledge to attain financial liberty, the greater your net worth will become. And to say the least, Financial Education is the Key!

Barely thirty years ago, with a menial job coupled with keenly budgeting, majority of families embark to further their dreams of having house and lot of their own, this situation will go on as sending their sons and daughters to college plus the fact of retiring comfortably. 

Accordingly, having one source of income and/or exercising ones profession solely in those days would be enough to raise a family of five children, where only the head of the family works while mother stays to take care the home. 

BUT not applicable TODAY…  WHY??? Because the New Rules of Money have change and so with the economy….WHAT are you talking! 

Currently, majority of Filipino families are financially struggling:

*Inflation-increasing the cost of living while active money income remains the same. Makes it hard and tedious to save money for your retirement years. 
Simply put, when personal catastrophe arises such as illness, emergency vis-à-vis accident no other recourse except fall into debt; 

*Mismanage your debt through credit cards, car/housing loans, pawnshops; 

*No Job Security- this has been made into legislation, which is Labor Contractualization;

*Collapse of Small Medium Enterprise on account of strategic market positioning by tycoon companies rapidly increasing even in the provinces;

*Not only active income is encouraged, however, in the present time and condition it is of necessity to have multiple passive income;

And above all to beat the burgeoning economic hardlines cum crisis, You need to gain self-education by way of Financial Literacy. 

I have the information for the Financial Solutions!!! Your path to financial freedom! 

This is simply empowering You on money matters! 

Become an expert in personal financial management. Budget, Save and Invest wisely. Be Financially Fit! Get out of the rat race and start your journey to being Truly Rich! 

Our team, Truly Rich Makers-CDO will conduct FREE Lecture on Financial Literacy and Financial Coaching. 

Please be reminded that poverty is mainly a product of low Financial I.Q. To end poverty, we need to put an end to financial ignorance.

Information of value to point YOU out in building and constructing decisions for a sound and abundant Financial Life:

Practical Money Management Strategies
- The Six (6) Steps to Financial Security/Freedom
- Rule of 72 in Investing
- The X-Curve Concept: The Blueprint of Financial Planning
- 4 major needs to complete Financial plan
-Wealth Calculator
-How Money Works and How it can Work for You
-How to Build a Solid Financial Foundation

Creating Multiple Passive Income Streams
- The Different Sources of Incomes (Active, Portfolio, Passive and Royalty Income)
- How to Create Multiple Passive Income Streams
- Different Investment Levels/Vehicles and Strategies
- How to Become Your Own Financial Expert/ Adviser / Coach

Other Topics You Can Learn:
- Do your Own Financial Check-up
- Getting Out of the Debt Trap
- Investment Principles
- The Spiritual Side of Money
- The Winner's Mindset
- Estate Planning
- Health Management
-What it takes to be great

Start your journey now to create the specific results you desire and deserve in your life. Ultimately, this will affect the level of excitement, joy, happiness, and fulfillment you have in your life.

Breakthroughs only happen to those who take action. Now is the time to take life to a new level. Say yes to your risk-free opportunity today! Let the journey begin! [Tony Robbins]

For Your Success!

P.S. Please register your name, occupation, email, chosen date of seminar and mobile phone with the Contact Person. Bring your family and friends! Support our Mission And Advocacy!

When: Every Saturday 
Time: 09:00am to 11:00am
Where: IMG office - Door 2, G/F, Malayan Building, Velez St., Cagayan De Oro City

Email us your name, contact no., occupation of attendees at or SMS  09277559999 for reservation.

P.S. 2 Truly Rich Makers Team’s Mission: No family left behind~~~To empower Filipino families to create wealth through financial education. We visualize becoming the biggest financial educator for Filipino families.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How does recreation help in building your financial value?

            Enriching Your Financial Coffers with Recreation

The common mentality of most people is that when they are getting some recreation for themselves – in whatever form that might be – they are actually wasting time. They think that by giving themselves some amusement, they are actually depriving themselves of the opportunity of being able to earn something.

Proverbs like “Wasting time is akin to wasting money” don’t help matters one bit. But we should remember that “All work and no play make Jasper Kyle a dull boy.” But, is it only a dull boy that Jasper Kyle can turn out to be? No, worse things can happen if you deprive yourself from proper routes of recreation.

You have to understand what recreation means first. To recreate means to free up your mind and utilize it in doing something that you really like to do. It means to unwind yourself from your daily rigmarole of work. Since our mind is not a machine, but a living organ with blood and tissues in it, it does need this kind of unwinding ourselves.

But there is a subtle point that you must understand. Every person chooses his or her form of recreation and this is most times connected with what they do professionally.

For example, for a person who teaches, reading could be a form of recreation. Now, this is actually helping their profession in various ways. This person is able to expand his or her knowledge and that really helps them in their profession.

For a professional sportsperson, looking at someone else’s game could be recreation. Now, they could pick up various tips from that and learn.

However, even when you think there are no obvious benefits of your form of recreation on your profession, there are actually several benefits. Consider that you have a desk job.

Your mode of recreation is to shoot villains in computer games. How does this help your profession?

            It actually does, in a very poignant way, because it helps clear the clutter of monotony that your job has created and gives you a chance to do something that revitalizes your energy.

            You are refreshed and can even return to work the next day in a better mood.

Remember that empowering yourself financially does not mean immersing yourself in money-related thoughts and keeping yourself there all the time.

            Sometimes, you have to come out of those shackles and think in a liberated manner. This helps you rethink things and you begin looking at the world with a renewed perspective.

For Your Success!

Jay M. Tan

P.S. Being neophyte in the arena of blogging, I should take some exploration which means cutting some unnecessary words. This because a friend of mine congratulated me in my current sort of hobby yet he told me to shorten my write ups....he himself doesn't want to read long winding notes. In connection with this situation, my mentor Manny Viloria had reminded me over this situation of my writing, and not that I neglect his advises but it was an inadvertence.  

P.S. I want you to feel relax, so even after reading this digital piece, I want you to let your mode of thinking in a relaxing mode  by watching this Financial provoking video anchored on different way of tackling your life financial affairs. CLICK HERE. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

SWA Ultimate Pay Plan 1 Whiteboard Explanation by Manny Viloria

          Right now is the time of the year where most people are uncomfortable answering questions about their financial and income goal progress. After all, we're a few months shy of the New Year, and over 90% of people break resolutions before January ends.

         Know by now the beauty of stock market concepts with its promising prospects at Bo Sanchez's Stock Market Investment.

        And especially with money, there's a lot of taboo or myths surrounding it. There is one resolution you cannot, absolutely ever "break." Is Money the root of all evil? Do you believe money will solve your financial woe/s?

       With my team in the front, with the visionary entrepreneurial guidance of Manny Viloria, it has the power to transform your life from "struggling by" to "wealthy." Or if you haven't guessed by now, I'm talking about sales.

        Now, when I say "sales" -- most people tense up. They immediately get a flood of images in their head of cold calling, pushy closes and pure dread. I can understand that. But let me tell you something. Those "old school" days of selling are over. Nobody sells aggressively anymore.

        In fact, it's next-to-impossible in this economy. Ultimately -- we're in a "New Rules of Selling akin to New Rules of Money vis-a-vis New Rules of Economy" -- and we need new skills for it. Do you want to know the New Rules of Selling vis-à-vis Information Age?

        Oppsss I want to share my newly discovered income generating machine and this is Team-Based Digital side project.  I subscribed to the business culture that anchored on the belief “if I help others to pay their bills and achieve significant financial breath, my financial woes will disappear”.

       This is not about money per se; however, I delved more on one’s dream in relation to your passion.

       For Your Success!

       Jay M. Tan

P.S. I invite you also to visit my other digital hub where I placed Philippine Laws and Jurisprudence@ Your ProBono ParaLegal. The said blog primarily repository of my bar review notes.

P.S. I will show you one of my favorite videos, an animated series as they called the same, yet through this My Mental Attitude is Build to Last.  

Sunday, October 6, 2013

How to Know Your Best Asset via Financial Education

        As said by many mentors, that in any endeavor you take on, always ask ‘WHY” doing this activity? Now in my end, I also asked in my inner self “why” to write this kind of topic?

        On 05 October 2013, a friend of mine since law school, and an instrumental fellow who mentored on me in applying in real life the law school instructions, hence doing ParaLegal works. The friend visited me in to our rented house; thereby we have a sort of discussion about ASSET. I am passionate to tell him that he has enough asset stored in his very self. Yet he refused to accept, and it seemed that definition asset is one of the subject matter of the commerce of man.

        The discussion intensely moved into a sort of reflection-recollection @ “Reminisced  the Lull Moments of His Life”. Yet, never did I bother to listen on his dramatic justification instead I continued on my own definition of Asset, hence this digital piece, my contribution to the Digital Citizen.

Getting to know the Ultimate Concepts of Asset

        Assets are what you utilize in order to start empowering yourself financially. These assets include monetary as well as monetary resources. Most people only consider monetary assets when they speak about assets. They consider things like their bank balance, their real or personal properties, their cars, their stocks, etc. as assets. However, there is much more to assets than just these materialistic things while sojourning in a materialistic environment.

        The term asset is associated with things only rich people can possessed. And the same is significant question to those whose financial balance sheet is likened to a roller coaster to include. But in my definition of asset is far-off different from the materialistic stand and view points of the term.

        Here we take a look at assets other than the usual material one. Goodwill; your good name in the market or in the community is a veritable asset. It could be your name or your Facebook Fanpage, your brand, etc. Whatever goodwill your name has accumulated, you could certainly use it in improving your profits, and hence it becomes an asset.

        For instance, if you launch a new product with the same name of your previous successful product, it already gets a lot of foundation to succeed. That is the reason big name companies sell their goodwill when they give out franchises.

        Then on, I further discussed, and tackled the visual topic which was then the Qualifications, Eligibility and Experiences of my friend. I made mentioned that everything that he do in his life is an asset in itself. These are things he can tap on in order to empower himself in a better manner.

        And I also vigorously made mentioned that his family, friends and other people are the line of assets that should be treasured, and not only the materialistic asset as professed by the majority. This is in conjunction with the adage that the majority are always wrong.
        Everyone that you come in contact with is a potential asset for you. You are what your family makes you, and that decides your capabilities to a large extent. Also, your friends make you and so do other people that you come in contact with. People are so important to businesses today that there are complete business models that are set up on this concept.

        As we continued on our interesting discussion, my friend after sipping the 3n1 coffee with slices of “hot cake” kiddingly offered by my 4 year old son, then on my friend innocently asked "Jay What Has To Be Done"?

        So I told him that in my end I have no other formula to follow except the one, which was avidly told by my mentors, and that is Investing in Financial Education for Your Financial Empowerment.

        What? a voice so loud coupled with laughing smack, which occurrence caught the naive attention of my son who then playing with his Ben Ten Gadget. That was then the immediate utterance I heard from my friend, which followed by statement like this: “you mean to say I have to go back to school and get degree on financial education or the like modules”? Oh my God! Remember that Jay Tan that I am 48 years old, “Mataas na ang niyog eh…

        Well, I let him uttered the nuggets expressions he want to express with an understanding that in the little while he will regain his composure. And so I further narrate and share the inputs I have had, which direct result from investment of knowledge.

        With the situation at hand, I frontally shared the focal voice of my information about financial empowerment begins much sooner than he you think. I openly told my friend that we are no longer in our 20’s, and thinking about a career; it is right then when we were in kindergarten like my son, and attend our first school.

        The truth of the matter being that your financial empowerment begins even before your parents lovingly and patiently tell you what is what. All those questions, all those attempts at gathering information and, later, education, are nothing but steps toward financially empowering yourself, thus to mold your ASSET.

        I can’t hold my emotion except to throw a query to my friend such that “for what is education if not a way to empower yourself in every way, including financially?

         Majority of the people thump up their educational qualifications when they are looking for a job, pitching for a promotion, and sometimes executing highly unlikely maneuvering just for the purpose of getting the same or even when applying for a loan for a commercial venture.

        Obviously, the educational qualification is a kind of abstract collateral; it is something people judge your financial worth. And so if you are better qualified they know that you will keep sailing through, hence, they don’t mind extending a better financial help/loan for your ventures. They don’t mind investing in your ventures either because they consider you as a worthy candidate with their money.

        It is of imperative necessity to learn something new, which can give an enhancement to your Asset.

        That is the reason why you and I have to learn as much as possible. Thus, resonating with the seeming pronouncement after becoming the President of the United States, one of the first things Barack Obama did was to give an urgent call to his people to “go back to school. This does not really mean physically going back to school, but it means continuing to learn something or the other as we did when we were younger.

        Bringing back your memory some 40 years or so, why forty years? Because my friend is 48 years old now, and going backward he was then eight years old, when we has was then at primary school, he would learn a new things each day.

        I asked him like  this“are you doing that right now? Did you remember that at law school, we enriched our minds each day and became what we are today? (we both  connected in one of the law firm here in our place, doing ParaLegal works).

        But why has this process of becoming stopped for you? Why do you think that your learning age has ceased? I told him, he needs to educate himself continuously, and not only convoluted laws and jurisprudence but acquiring knowledge on financial literacy till the last day of his life and keep improving.

        In a brotherly mode, I sincerely told him that when we are more educated on financial aspect of the craft, we not only learn better avenues to earn money but we also learn how to manage the money properly so that it keeps growing. That I further told him know the crafts of how money works for you. Simply put, no form of education should be intimidating and there is no age when you cannot begin learning something.

         We ended up because it’s about time to go home yet he told me “he wants more discussion on matters affecting financial vis-à-vis his future retirement”. He is so very fast to think to embark on his financial education, maybe natamaan siya at ako din sa mga sinabi ko…kaya nga I asked him that I will make some sort of a journal of what was transpired-discussion, and the same be published in the world wild web. And so I got his approval whereupon he is the action star.

         So the story is not yet ended, however, I have to cut it otherwise some readers won’t like to continue reading…. Next episode will be more exciting… you know Why? Because I have to share the Six (6) Steps to Financial Security and I will let him define his own Financial Blueprint…wow! Oks ba? Ano sa palagay mo mukhang matindi ito diba?

        Surely, some of you will inquire on where did I get or my source of information all about the aforementioned topics? You know in my previous work, tinatago po namin ang aming Source, however, in this time having information of such value I am most willing to share only to those who are interested to know…

        For Your Success!

        Jay Maghuyop Tan

P.S. I just want to impart that your very self as your Asset added with your Financial Intelligence are focal armaments to plot the escape route from the mental attitude of scarcity vis-a-vis rat race.

P.S. 2 My digital money machine is here, kindly pay some kind attention to listen this video presentation with my Mentor presenting our partnership endeavor connected with a team. In expressly executing this entrepreneur endeavor I have my special tools, click it here for your own consumption but just to inform you honestly that in the event you want to have it, that is to say I can have my little affiliate commission.  

Thursday, October 3, 2013

New Ways of Thinking On Your Retirement Phase

I will start my sharing anchored on my WHY…that is to ask on why people seek and so do I?... what is that why; well it is smartest way to ask Why I am afraid… what I am afraid of the Economic Insecurity. How about you? Are you secured with your present job? and/or current business endeavor?

In a similarly situated predicaments, is fast rising in the hearts of individual, who faced with the possibility of near bankruptcy, due to rising cost of living and the unavailability of high paying jobs, are focusing their attention on alternatives, in the market, which will help them to fend for themselves and their families.

This is why many are on the lookout for any secondary source of income or planning on financial security measures, which will act as backups in case of financial emergency like losing their job.

Others who are already suffering at the hands of social trends are desperately trying to make ends meet and look for a chance to restart their careers. There are also others, who by keeping tabs on the market patterns have managed to accumulate more money and are further trying to cash in on their winning streak, hoping their years to come will be secure.

That is why choosing the right kind and so-called ‘in’ profession is very important yet is not a guaranty to fit in longer as desired, and be happy. Whether it is a sit at home kind of venture or an out rigorous field venture, nothing else ensures success except its demand in the market, even amidst a full-scale economic crisis.

Yet uncertainty and insecurity plunged in today’s set of economy, there is an immaterial boundary involving employed, unemployed, and under-employed so with the full-time doing temporary work. In the present time and situation, clinging to job security is no longer the menu of the day as it holds true 25 years back or so.

In the arena of traditional business and marketing, the recurring menu is “struggling and imbalance financial statement”. Backyard enterprise imminently faced with positive problems ranging from short supply resources and know-how in running the business affairs, and face with far-fetched challenges and possible face up with big chains and large distribution system.

Humbly to say, and to borrow a statement [One of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century is that you can change your life, by changing the way you think], which validate my quest to set my mental attitude to become entrepreneur without having to set up a business system… what? You may surely inquire on the same, and I squarely answer Yes, I acquired it 2nd quarter of 2013.

This is because the system has been organically running, giving pretty much profits on those who believed on it, and to say the least helping people to get out the rat race by charting their way out on to financial liberty. Simply put, there is already a system that works, what you need then is to drive it out by following the time-tested procedure.

Awesome! You know in an honest telling, I got it all information 2nd quarter of 2013, and just recently had been rekindled when I've attended on 26-27 September 2013, a Financial Coaching Seminar in Cagayan de Oro City.

Just to give a glimpse on the know-how I've got in the aforementioned seminar, viz:
1). Building A New Industry In The Financial Industry: A Business Plan;

2). 6 Steps to Financial Security: Mission of the New Industry

3). Understand How Money Works:

3.1 You must take care of your responsibilities while building your wealth;
3.2 The Wealth Formula;
3.3 The X-Curve: The Law of Building Wealth; and
3.4 The 4 Cornerstones of a strong financial future.

In due time, I will decode the cipher, and the same will be forwarded into your doorsteps for free, I promise to you, since I am trained to provide information of value.

In the previous chapter of my existence, I have the opportunity to serve my country in a way of hollowed out information not just to safeguard national security interest, obtaining significant information of value anchored on Knowledge is Security.

And now, still I am here again, an information provider. I have strategic information at my disposal, and to tell honestly this information is all about you…how you’ll trek and so get in touch with your goals in life.

As my mentor Bo Sanchez would say, “Before you grow your finances, you should grow yourself first.” He says we should invest in ourselves — in our education — rather than on things.
I invite you to invest in your greatest asset — YOURSELF! Read books. Attend seminars. Seek mentors.

For Your Success!

Jay M. Tan

P.S. Take note of this: Financial Independence is not a dream. It’s a decision. In the present time and condition, a time of too much information circulating much over the internet and the Web. It is my humble submission that you've got to have a plan. That is why when I named this digital piece “you have to think differently” for me is to have a plan, this because majority have no plan to execute. Hence, they are roaming around doing things impulsively what others did.

P.S.2 Why planning is significant? This is intimately related to a query “why are a fool and his money so easily parted? In omnibus, it is my humble observation that it is must to have a personal financial planning considering that if you don’t have the same; it is highly likely you’ll be tempted to spend foolishly on liabilities instead investing for your retirement, and to fattened your money. Second, others will make blueprint for you, and so with your resources vis-à-vis your money.

P.S.3 Your plan, more so your personal financial plan is your navigational route prototype for you to take on your journey to financial liberty. That is why, it is said that plan gives you the important bit-how you are going to get there.

P.S.4 Allow me here to share my side project to generate cash flow,which the same invested to create further capital viz dividends and the like...