Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cost Value Analysis Of Your Time & Money

You have to accept that money as they indicate to mean currency is a payment given to you for clever thinking and smart work, thus more you’ll earn.

I am constrained to jot it down a topic which in a little more will save you from the blatant effect of currency devaluation. Hence, we should as a matter of saving endowed with keen perception of knowing the cost and/or value.

And not only knowing so with costing and value, it of imperative necessity to obtain inasmuch whether or not the having the object/product and/or services inevitably needed. This is in accord that in deciding what product or service to purchase, you make some sort of cost value analysis anchored on your willingness to pay, so with the quality you desire.

That is to say when you shop for a product or services, you are faced with various levels of quality and price. Let us put this in a situation when buying a car, you decide when you want transportation, comport, status, or sex appeal.

Think and feel it in an ambiance you love it traced when you’re a kid dreaming a lot, a lot more of everything…

So, you decide among such choices as a Mercedes Benz, Cadillac, Lincoln, a Rolls Royce, or a Porch. Oppsss bakit walang walang asian brand diyan…kasi po ang market trip lang na ang e feature nating ay gawa sa States…[joke only]. But as to note, prior to the ultimate decision of buying your car, you usually weigh the merits of each option against the cost.

This is same as when you get a headache; you can take pain reliever (such as aspirin for that matter) or visit a medical practitioner for a medical checkup. Given this choice, most people, of course, take a pain reliever, since it costs only little bang of currencies.

Whereas a medical checkup and/or examination costs not just a little currencies, but a lot more to include a lot of time.

However, if you ponder a moment, and think it differently on the basis of cost value analysis of your situation, taking into medical examination is the most logical option. This maybe because a headache may indicate a brain tumor and failure to see a specialist right then can result in complications.

A point of order: [likened to a formal session wherein a rule of parliamentary affairs is invoked] “should everyone with a headache go to a doctor? Certainly not, but do think differently that people treating their own illness must realize that they are making a bet as to cost value analysis of the situation.

Your Financial System: Think to Win

The same cost value analysis must be made when deciding to do your own financial system. Would you agree that financial system connotes journey to liberty of your time and money. Hence, requires foundation to think to win vis-à-vis your focus to your goal. Indeed, whatever gets your focus gets magnified.

A good life is the result of good thinking. Your life will follow your thoughts. Yes… the foregoing sentences are points of reminding us to have always positive mindset.

In view of cost value analysis to win in journey to financial liberty of time and money, it’s not enough to say “think better to win”. Simply to say that all the positive thinking in this chaotic world may not be enough to overcome each and every one’s existing mental patterns.

Did you not encounter that even how you think it better, the same will require you to evaluate and cast out invalid, and to say the least off-tangent mental patterns repugnant to the basic tenets of morality and logic which have been collected over the years.

Let us launch cost value analysis in all aspect of human endeavor, but only one thing is sure to happen: “Change in thinking easy route to a different life”.

Surely, when we bring it to the forefront in an assumption that if you program your head with thoughts and mental attitude that empower positive innovation, you have quality future.

Don't forget to leave your insights at the comment box below...

For Your Success!
Jay M. Tan

P.S.1 I am passionate to make a journal among others my way out to escape the rat race.

P.S.2 I would like to indicate it here contents in my notes which was taken in one of the biz summit I’ve attended sometime 4th quarter of 2012, whereby the speaker emphatically uttered: “a better life always starts with better thinking. It is impossible to move in a positive direction while being governed by negative thoughts and patterns”.

P.S.3  I am optimistic that as long as you’re determine to pursue success, patience to stick it out, and discipline and courage to challenge yourself, who never give up and continuously put in effort can reach the goal.

P.S. I would to share it here some sort of process by leveraging the advent of Information Age. In this way we can increase one's CashFlow. (Affiliate Program). And to those looking for a work from home using your laptop and net connection, You Can Explore Here. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

8 Money Mistakes with One Million Dollars


I am passionate to share this with you, a stuff of value for you. This is a superb good one which no one can prevent me from it's dissemination.

As I said, no need to hide from where it came from for the truth on the matter being that I received the same from a considered virtual mentor from

Before delving in to the information I said I want to share it with you, allow me to say some reflection I've made few days ago as to my digital existence. Two emails recently I received radically changed my perspective as to my digital tells me to go on and be a blessing to others by providing information needed by others.

My only thinking as connected with my system is to help people. That in some extent, the shared input I've delivered will somehow help people make right decision for themselves.

Remember that “KNOWLEDGE IS SECURITY”, simply put, you need to acquire requisite tune in and relevant information and education to have knowledge. And this information you're reading is one of which impressed with a kind of content even school curriculum failed to include. Even the same emanated from email I received yet this one will help you decide about your fortune.

Never ever feel awkward and so worry what others might think and/or so-called peers perception on us reading this kind of information...because this is about feeding your mind with financial update. Think differently!


8 Money Mistakes

By Bill Bonner

Most people think preserving money is all about what stocks you pick and which money managers you employ. Not at all.

What matters most is the right family culture. Families with old money all have their own norms, values and no-nos. These largely determine their success or failure over time.

What follows is a list of eight taboos for families who want to create "old money." Consider these the core values of Bonner & Partners Family Office. You will have your own list. What's important is that you spend time instilling the values on your list in your kids and grandkids. Your family's success rests on their shoulders.

Mistake #1 – Consuming, not Producing

Give $1 million to an average person, and he immediately thinks of what it will buy. But give a million to an old-money family, and it goes into a business... an investment... or a new entrepreneurial venture.

What matters for old money is producing, not consuming. We don't want to consume goods and services. We don't want to consume information and ideas. We don't want to consume Wall Street's fee-stuffed products for high-net-worth individuals, either.

Let others drive their fancy cars, carry their expensive handbags and have their addresses in the chic zip codes. Old money doesn't show off by buying things. It prefers to keep a low profile... and a low cost of living.

Old money knows that investment costs have to be kept down, too. The best way to do that is to avoid hedge funds and structured products. Stick with simple, low-cost, long-term investments.

Mistake #2 – Spending the Family Fortune

"Never touch the capital" is a hallowed tradition among old-money families. You may spend the interest on the family fortune – even the capital gains it produces. But woe to the heir who draws down the principal.

The principal must be kept intact. Any distributions should be of interest, after taxes and inflation adjustments. At today's low interest rates, it is hard to earn much income – safely – from your investments.

Families are tempted to "dip into capital" to make ends meet. There's a taboo against it for good reason. Once you begin living on a previous generation's savings, you will find it hard to stop... until the family fortune is all gone.

"Eat only what you kill" – as our family governance strategic partner, Joseph McLiney, put it at our recent Family Wealth Forum in Nicaragua – it is a better way of expressing the taboo against spending family wealth.

It allows you to spend only what you make yourself. The earnings from capital go back into the family fortune, replacing losses from inflation and taxes.

#3 – Doing What Others Do

Most people want to fit in. They seek social approval by doing what other people do. But if you do what other people do, you will get the results that they get. You will become average... just like they are.

Having wealth is rare. Having it for more than one generation is rarer still. You don't do that by doing what other people do. You have to think more clearly... and avoid many of the ideas, values and habits that most people have.

You must be willing to be different. Sorry. But that's the price of having old money.

#4 – Making a Public Spectacle of Yourself

Paris Hilton may have enjoyed getting her face in People magazine. But the Hilton family didn't like it at all. Old money likes to keep things private. It favors private businesses, private information, private investments and private lives.

Private businesses are more profitable to their owners than publicly quoted stocks. They pay fewer legal and accounting fees and spend much less money trying to please investors and the media.

Today, publicly traded businesses in the U.S. distribute a measly 2%-3% of their profits to shareholders. A privately owned and controlled business, on the other hand, may return significantly more of its earnings to shareholders.

It may give the owners corner offices, too. In a public company, much of the earnings go to pay CEOs and corporate managers. In a privately controlled corporation, the owners decide who gets the money.

Old-money families also learn to discount public information – the stuff you get from newspapers and TV. They put a premium on their private information sources. They trust their own eyes and ears... and their personal contacts.

This attitude informs old-money families' investments. Rather than invest on the basis of what everybody knows, they try to pin their investments on what they know that other people don't. Deep knowledge of particular industries is developed. Special "family secrets" are encouraged.

Jobs, financing, insurance and a helping hand are available when needed. Old money looks to private sources – primary among them the family – for what it needs.

#5 – Too Busy to Make Money

It's capital that counts, not income. Most people – even high earners – are on a treadmill. They earn. They consume. There isn't much left. Since their consumption depends on their income, they are eager to increase their income at every opportunity.

Not so with old money. It knows that in the long run, income barely matters. It knows, too, that expenses normally rise with income, but not with real capital gains.

In other words, when you earn more money, your taxes rise... and you tend to spend the extra money on lifestyle enhancements. But if the value of the family farm goes up, the extra wealth tends to stay put. (See No. 7 below.)

Old-money families don't care as much about income as they do about capital. Often, they live in houses that were bought many years ago (no mortgages)... they drive cars that were fully depreciated during the Clinton administration (no car payments; no loss in value)... and they eschew costly fads and fashions of all sorts.

The typical young person is encouraged to go out and get the best-paying job he can find. Then he enters the labor force and spends the rest of his life trying to stay ahead of his expenses. He becomes a living example of the old expression, "Too busy to make money."

I tell my children: "Don't worry about how much you make. Worry about what you learn... and what you end up with. Tell your employer you'd rather have equity than a salary increase."

This is true in your careers. And it is true in your investments. If you worry too much about the current yield, you are likely to miss the real payoff later.

Trading out of winning stock positions, for example, can trigger taxes and incurs trading costs. In your work, as in your investments, you are better off ignoring income and short-term gains in favor of long-term capital growth.

#6 – Trying to Beat the Market

We all have seen the study results. Most of your investment profits come from being in the right market at the right time (beta), not from picking individual stocks (alpha).

Trying to beat the market is a losers' game. You can count on two hands the number of professional money managers that do it with any consistency. Most individual investors end up having the market beat them.

If you stick to the romantic notion of beating the market, sometimes you will get it right. Other times you won't. Over the long run, you will make too many mistakes and probably end up poorer than when you started.

It is better to find a decent market – a beta position – and sit tight. Trading in and out of it... or moving from one market to another... is usually disastrous. The results over the last 30 years, for example, show that an investor in oil, gold, stocks or bonds – had he simply just sat on his positions the whole time – would have had an average annual gain three or four times as high as the average investor during that period.


Because the average investor couldn't sit still.

I use the term "beta" in a broader sense, too: It is important that you and your family are in the right place at the right time.

One hundred years ago, for example, Russia had one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. But it didn't matter how good an investor you were. If you had stayed in Russia at the turn of the last century, you would have lost all your money. Stocks, bonds, real estate – all were confiscated by the Bolsheviks. And your family would have waited two full generations before it could begin rebuilding its wealth.

That's why we spend so much time trying to understand what is going on in the world. Beta matters.

And we're not alone. A report in a recent Financial Times tells us that most rich people "make the same investment mistakes as the rest." In short, they go with investment fashions – notably hot hedge funds – rather than sticking to a sensible long-term discipline.

But "the richest of the rich... are different," the report concludes. They "started liquidating their portfolios and slugging money into cash as early as the summer of 2007. The suspicion has to remain that the very wealthiest escaped into cash because they, almost uniquely, understood the gravity of the situation."

Why? Because the richest were focused on beta. And they weren't distracted by alpha.

#7 – Selling the Family Farm

Ordinary people need liquidity. Banks need liquidity. The whole financial system needs liquidity. But it's illiquidity that works for old money.

Families fare best when they have old assets that are hard to buy, hard to run and hard to sell. A family farm, for example.

It's not easy to sell a family farm. Family members develop a sentimental attachment to it. It's hard to get all the family to agree on a sale. And you usually can't sell it in pieces. You can't fritter it away. It's all or nothing – a big decision that takes time and reflection.

Families tend to hold onto their illiquid assets... and they grow.

#8 – "Na... Na... Na Live for Today"

Old-money families know they have to give up something today to have more tomorrow – accepting a short-term disadvantage for a long-term strategic advantage.

Great businesses, great families and great fortunes take time. You have to be willing to invest time and effort... and wait for the payoff sometime in the future. Old money knows how to delay gratification, in other words.

As Albert Einstein noted, compound interest is the ninth wonder of the world. But it only becomes a miracle at the end, not the beginning. That's when you get the huge increases that create real family fortunes.


Hope you enjoyed the information... in my end, I am grateful to know that is not how much money you've generated yet the ultimate count is how much money you kept which the same generated passive income.

Hence, anybody can be wealthy~~you just need to apply yourself. Moreover, I feel it to say that you and I have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else to take as much as you want.

Before concluding, and to be honest with you that by indicating in here the aforementioned email that I've received, and so by putting again my stand & view points on personal finance, all of them are my considered financial blueprint to escape the rat race.

In effect, it is not necessary to become a millionaire in order to inform more so to share, however, in my case I want to share my financial mind-map vis-a-vis escape route from financial turmoil.    

Humbly to punctuate, it is not material and/or significant on whether I have money or not, the point I want to express is the very content of this information.

I want to personally thank everyone who visited my blog, shared my content, or left a comment. Your emails and comments mean a lot to me...

Got any Questions?

Feel free to ask me any questions in the comment form below! Also, if you've had any experience and/or knowledge with the topic, please share your thoughts and suggestions. Or if you have any ideas for future posts, please let me know by using the comment box. 

P.S. Increase Your CashFlow by exploring the internet...this is best for those busy individual but full of dreams. This is liken to a digital money machine. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Your Best Investment is In Yourself

                What is the best ever investment you can make in your lifetime?

According to Robin S. SharmaThe Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny “investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. it will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.”

To let you know my OnlineFriend Manny Viloria of always shared this statement "Invest In Yourself, Before Others Will Invest In You...

"Investment In Yourself" for me surely mean getting Information and education on aspect which leverage your personal value.   

I want to tell you that while knowledge is propagated in traditional school system, the more valuable lessons maybe learned outside the academic realm.

In today's ever changing world, the most important investment you can make is an investment in ongoing education and searching for new ideas.

I have learned to believe in self-education and self-development and discovered that real change starts from within. In one book I read, and I remember the statement “the person you become tomorrow has a lot to do with the books you read today”.

I may say that it is not seem important to invest in books, but you must understand that you'll never learn enough thru your own experience to out-think your competition.

A life coach has the occasion to confide unto me that “you should find another way of increasing your knowledge, and the most effective way is via the lessons of others in books”. Wow! It seems nice diba...malaman mo nalang sa books para hindi na sa iyo maulit ang masalimoot na pangyayari.

And thru the books you read, the same will help to change your mindset. As Albert Einstein said “you can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it”. Simply put, renew your mind, set the same in a positive tone~~~change your life. 

Remember the statement of Business Philosopher Jim Rohn: “It's not the blowing of the wind that determines your destination, but it's the setting of the sail”.

Of course read only those books that offered some sort of financial education, personal finance and self-development. Those Books which you can get significant input on things that add value to yourself, thus get you out from the bondage of financial ignorance. 

Get those information and/or reading materials that provide holistic education that focuses not just on numbers and spreadsheets but also on the soul itself. 

In fine, getting knowledge for yourself is the best investment you can give to yourself because simply that without knowledge, people cannot process information into useful knowledge.

I am so grateful having time to visit this blog, and I am happy to hear from you via mail or any comments as to this blog post. MorePower to Your Success!

Again, don't forget to share your insight-thought in the comments section.

Talk back,

This post is totally written because I believe it will help you in some respect, but also because I want to spread and helps as many people as possible. And to materialize that dream~~for it to do that, I need people like you to spread and/or share the word and tell your friends.