Sunday, January 26, 2014

Purify Your Thoughts About Money

On 6:41 AM 27 January 2014, I received an email from the portals of Truly Rich Club of Bo Sanchez indicated the best about money matters. A matter now is important, yes for your money to grow the same to the max wherein others failed to recognize and appreciate.

Now it is of public acceptance that we can't be successful unless we have the focal knowledge and know-how...

Basic is the fact that through reading and listening are two (2) of the ways of acquiring the required knowledge that you will use in thriving and to succeed more. As indicated among surveys conducted, many choose not to read.

However, in a personal level of affairs, I earnestly call upon your senses to kindly read even just the message of Bro Bo Sanchez about “how your money works for you”... Now my virtual mentor will tell you the “ROPES” on how-do the it directly from him...

Moreover, I am writing this for you, I want to share this because the “this email I received and/or knowledge I've got has no value if I don't disseminate the same.

Personally, information dissemination is the essence of my digital presence.

For me in an honest posture, the essence of acquiring knowledge and information of value is to learn the rules of the craft. And then purposely to win, which is why I have to use them and play better than anyone.

Simply put, let us decipher the simple code about how money works for you...


Purify Your Thoughts About Money 

I receive tons of letters from readers, most of them happy, but some of them heart-rending.

Just yesterday, one letter I read was from a man who was poor all his life. He didn't even know how he'd get food for his family the following week. Sure, he had a job but it paid miserably and wasn't even enough to keep his kids in school.

I opened another letter the other day and read about a woman who had so much debts, her monthly payables are double her monthly income. And according to her, she's already living very, very, very simply. She hasn't bought a new dress for ages, never goes to movies unless it's a freebee, and has sold most of her belongings already.

You know that I recommend the simple life. But not having enough money for your basic needs isn't the simple life.

That's poverty, and that complicates life. Read carefully.Money isn't everything and people are totally mistaken if they think that money will solve all their problems and make them happy. But we do need money to live.It's because of letters like these that made me launch my financial crusade.I want to help good people make money.

And the first step to making money is to purify your thinking towards money.

If somewhere in your brain, you think that money is evil, that it is unspiritual to earn money-then somehow, even subconsciously, you will find ways of AVOIDING money.I'm serious...

But the Bible doesn't say that money is evil; the love of money is.Money is a neutral thing that can be used to love or hate, to build or destroy, depending on how you use it.In other words, it can make you holy or it can make you evil-much like anything else in life.It all depends on whether you follow or violate the laws written in the fabric of the universe concerning its use. 

Purify your thinking towards money by embracing the truth that God wants you to have some material things to live a humane life, enough for your needs, and more than what you need, so that you can be generous.In fact, the Bible says,If a man will not work, he shall not eat.(2 Thessalonians:10) and All hard work brings a profit...(Proverbs14:23)

Right now, wherever you are, make a faith statement that your Creator wants to provide for your needs.  Make a faith statement that God wants you to work and earn for a living and be responsible towards your family.

Also, it's important to watch your attitude towards those who are earning well. Do you resent them? Do you feel that they are unspiritual? Do you feel that they used deception to earn that kind of money? If you continue to have these thoughts, you're telling yourself that money indeed is bad and unspiritual and can only be taken by deception. Banish these thoughts!

Purify Your Motives About Money 

Motives need to come from your highest values if we want to live freely.

Ask yourself: Why do you want more money?

To provide for the basic needs of your family?

To fulfill your God-given responsibility as spouse and parent?

To be more generous to those in need?
To have more personal freedom to love?

When you inwardly feel that your motives are in line with your highest values, then you'll approach your moneymaking endeavors as a whole person. You'll move and walk and talk with integrity. With peace and happiness! The journey will be pleasurable.

But if you inwardly feel that your motives are not in line with your highest values, then you will work towards earning money as a divided person. If your innermost motive for earning more money is merely for selfish opulence, your highest values will rebel against that and you'll experience a loss of integrity-a disintegration in your character. You may reach your financial goals, but you will never be at peace.

The solution? 

Follow your conscience and change your motives according to your highest values.

Earn money with nobility.

Make money without robbing your soul.

Purify your motives towards making money.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez 

PS. If you want me to help you build your wealth, I can guide you through my TrulyRichClub. To change your financial life, log on at now. 

PS2. Many people don't only just lack financial information, they lack financial formation. In the TrulyRichClub, I will form your mindset into a wealthy mindset. To build your wealth, log on at now.

Inspirational Quotes 101: Yourself

Weeks and weeks have elapsed since my last blog post, but my heart pushes to write to tell you important story about life, finance and everything about what I've discovered on my journey to self-education... 
However, before delving on the topic which I have the liberty to share the same with you, I think it is best to upload inspirational quotes, abstract food for your mind...
In due time will give you much more than inspirational quotes, my bare thinking that these will give dose of inspiration, and plainly hope you can arrive at insight for your productive life.
Mistakes are painful when they happen, but years later a collection of mistakes is what is called experience. -Denis Waitley

Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work" - Steven King
Are you willing to pay the price?
Behind every story of achievement there is sacrifice.And all success is rooted in the willingness to suffer.
Just remember: "Pain is only temporary...the benefits last forever." 

Life is bigger than your immediate problem. Learn to detach yourself from the trees so that you can see the forests. 

The size of your problem could not surpass the size of the real true God. 

What seems hopeless is not when trust is placed on a God whose name is called the Blessed Hope.
That is to mean: "Learn and Learn" never stop learning via self-education, which will give a fortune according to Jim Rohn. 

Invest in yourself the knowledge, learn and take action is the best investment, and the same is the greatest asset aside from relationship with God, Family and Friends. 

As said by many that your material possession is not the greatest asset of man...and so what is it?

It was Brian Tracy who said that your greatest asset is your earning ability. In other words, your greatest asset is YOURSELF. 

All of the above best made for your success, hence, if in the end you think that this blog post make sense and so inspired fervent request is that "can you share this one to someone else", who dearly need this one. Remember that Be a Pipeline of Blessing to Others...

To Your Success!

Jay M. Tan

Sunday, January 5, 2014

God Believes You Can Prosper!

        Hi! Good day to all...

    I received a mail direct from the portals of Truly Rich Club which in my end, the same is reminding me that to achieve success is not through having college and/ or Masters degree.

    The said email reinforced my mental pattern that fear of the unknown goes away with an education. Hence, seek out a financial education to eliminate your fear about money and investing.

    A wise man had said "Nothing Happens Until Something Moves", simply put, just keep going. As ling as you keep learning from experiences and remain flexible in your approach, you will achieve success eventually. It is only a matter of time.

    Moreover, by changing your ACTIONS, you will change the results you are getting and your circumstances. So if you take a different action it will give you a different result.

    On the other hand, I published in full content the aforementioned  eMail hoping full well you like the same...and if this blog post make it sense,  can you please share to the person you want to grow and develop in all perspective of his/her existence.



 God Believes You Can Prosper!

Have you failed in life?

I've met a lot of people who've made big messes in their life, they now think they can't prosper anymore.

Before you chisel that belief on stone, I'd like you first to read a friend of mine share his amazing story with you.

As a kid, he was never a good student. He had failing grades all his life. He was even kicked out of college. And so he never held a college degree.

But something remarkable happened in his life. Today, my friend owns companies worth billions.

How could that have happened?

       I'll let him tell you his story...

The Power Of Unconditional Love

My name is Edward Lee.

I didn't start life with millions in my pocket.

That is why I believe anyone can do it.

That is why I believe you can do it.

When people see me for the first time and learn that I own a few companies, people assume that I was born in a wealthy Chinese family. 

That's not true. 

I come from a very simple family. 

My mother was a school teacher and my father was a door-to-door salesman.

And not only did I not come from a rich family, I also was never able to  finish college. Because ever since my Elementary days, I kept failing school. I was a really bad student. I skipped my classes and slept.

In Grade School, I was this stout boy who always slept at the back of the classroom. Because my mother was a teacher in that same school, she would silently enter the classroom and wake me up. She'd pull me out of the classroom, change my shirt (being stout, I'd sweat a lot), and tell me to return to class. And yes, I'd return to the classroom to sleep again.

That was why I kept on failing.

The only reason why I never repeated a year was because my teachers let me pass-for the sake of my mother, their co-teacher.

All those years, my mother and father would cry buckets of tears in front  of me, saying, "Edward, we know you're not dumb. We know you're intelligent. We believe in you."

Not once did I hear them tell me (whenever I brought a failing report card), "You're stupid! You're hopeless!" I never received condemnation. Instead, all I saw were their tears and their unconditional love.

Through all those years, they never gave up on me. 

Time and time again, year in and year out, I'd fail in school, but Mom and Dad kept encouraging me-and loving me.

And they would spend time with me everyday. Each morning, my father would talk to me over breakfast. There were days when we'd talk for hours. 

One of the favorite topics he loved talking about were stories about the  Taipans-the very rich Chinese Filipinos.  How they started from nothing. And how they created their wealth over time. Through these stories, he was telling me, "One day, you can become rich, son. I don't care if others don't believe you. I don't care if your teachers don't believe you. I don't care if your grades are bad. I believe you."

So if you ask me, "What made you the success that you are today?" I'd say, "I am who I am today because of the unconditional love of my parents."

Parents, if you have a problematic child, don't lose hope.

Love them unconditionally. Spend time with them each day. And don't give up on them, no matter how they're failing you. Keep believing that they'll  be a great success. If you love them unconditionally, you'll be laying down a foundation of success for their lives.

Because at the end of the day, there really are no bad children. Only bad parents.

God Believes In You

       Edward's mother and father didn't forget their son, no matter how much he messed up his life. It was that unconditional love that changed him. 

I love Edward's story. His parents were able to give God's unconditional  love to their son. No matter what he did, they just loved him. Because behind the mess, they saw magnificence that no one else saw. And they never stopped believing.

       Friend, God's Love will change you too. Because God will love you forever. In the Bible, God says, I have loved you with an everlasting love.

Perhaps right now, all you can see is the mess. 

Perhaps you're telling me, "Bo, that's not true. I've messed up my life. I've made some very poor decisions. I'm a failure, Bo."

Here's the truth. 

God believes you're a great person.

There's greatness in you. God sees it in you because He put that greatness there. And even if you messed up, listen carefully: No matter how big a mess you make, you can't lessen God's love for you. You cannot decrease it. You cannot subtract it. You cannot reduce it. Yes, you can prevent  God's Love to enter your life by sin, but you can't turn it off. 

Let me say it in another way. No amount of sin, no amount of disobedience, no amount of mess in your life can lessen God's belief in you.

Yes, when you sin, you stop God's love from flowing into your life. But your sin can't stop God from loving you.

God Is Happy When You Prosper

       Do you think the parents of Edward were happy when he became successful?


In the same way, God is overjoyed when you prosper. The Bible says, The Lord be magnified, who delights in the prosperity of His servant. (Psalms 35:27)

Let me speak abundance into your life:

This year, I pray that God will bless the work of your hands.

This year, God will bless your career. If you have a job, your boss will recognize you. This year, you'll get a salary increase. This year, you'll be promoted.

If your boss won't recognize your excellence, I pray that new doors will open for you-and someone else will recognize you.

       If you have a business, I pray that your marketing will be so fantastic, you'll have the happy problem of having too many customers.

       This year, I pray that God will multiply your investments.

       So that this year, you can give even more to the Lord's work.

       May your dreams come true,

       Bo Sanchez

PS. Do you want to prosper? Let me teach you how. Here's the secret: Before you prosper on the outside, you need to prosper on the inside. What do I mean? You need to think in a very different way. A few years ago, I launched the TrulyRichClub.   Today, the Club is now helping thousands of people grow in their prosperity. To grow in YOUR prosperity by changing how you think, visit now!

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

How to Achieve Success

        You may wonder why I am passionate to talk about success. Simply put, “success” is one of the intangibles purely connected to our goals in life. 

        No quarrel that the same is just a word, yet if given focal attention so with execution and focus, the word “success” will become something of real value to man’s existence.

        Noteworthy of note that there are three (3) things you have to remember in achieving success:

                     1. Success is not about EDUCATION;

                     2. Or even HARD WORK; and

                     3. However, it’s about Following Through. 

        Think and recall that many of the most educated men and women you know make far less than others with average or below average in matters of educational attainment. 

        Why is that?

        It’s because education as the traditional one is not necessarily the path to financial security. Yes! Education is important, however, valueless unless it can be used to follow through on your imagination, to invent and create opportunity---and, of course, to work smartly. 

        Otherwise, you might as well use your education to work hard at making someone else rich. So conquer your education and follow through on one of the best pathways to profit vis-à-vis entrepreneurial endeavor.

        Remember the old adage, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, and try again”~~~and don’t give up, persist, persist.

        I have the liberty to indicate the words of wisdom from one of my virtual mentors which says "Traditional Education will make you a living yet self-education will make you a fortune"...

        Secondly, I am constrained to write this line of topic to show and to share particularly to someone, who has inherent place in my life. Whereupon in some respect, I am obligated to guide if not assist the way possible to his success. 

        My humble suggestion for that someone is to immediately embark a journey towards self-education by simply obtain and read those books of value...and if you have no budget, you ask me and pick books who want at my mini-library. 

        Modesty aside, my considered baptism in the arena of self-education was at the time I got hold of the book authored by Bo Sanchez, The 8 Secrets of Truly Rich. Sometime last quarter of 2011, since then I never stop reading books purely contained personal development and finance. Those that talks how money works for you... 

        Moreover, I was inspired to know by then that knowledge is the best investment. So I continued my journey, hence, I am not only getting significant input but to change my mental attitude towards success.

        Don’t stop learning. You can keep on enriching yourself by continuously learning from every experience. In reality, the most valuable lessons in life are those that are not learned from formal classes.

        Knowing the words such as passive income, business system, investment vehicle, money works for you, and so many others as shared by the book of Bo Sanchez to include how to nurture your spiritual self. 

        Getting knowledge without practicing and/or executing the same is for me nothing but useless bits of information where you irresponsibly let to pass to the other end of your ear. 

        So what I did, increasing my cash flow by doing multiple income gig, an offline engagement anchored on my ParaLegal Works, which purely active income as it define. However, in the end of my mind it's not too late to learn the new trade-craft such as Online Marketing and Social Media Exploration. 

        The funny thing to share is this...even how humble my income BUT portion of the same, a little much went to my stock investment at the Philippine Stock Exchange....I started sometime 2nd quarter of 2012. 

        Wow! Social ka Jay...hindi naman yan social...pero ok na rin na social kasi nga biruin mo naman naging Real Estate Investor ako through Stock Market. 

       Siguro mag tanong kayo “How to do it'? Simply lang you can now invest in the stock market with a minimum of 5k, invest kana niyan. 

       Hey! Warning: It’s very dangerous to get into it without guidance.  I suggest you join the TrulyRichClub because they offer wonderful guidance.  They really helped me!  

       Yes just explore on how your money works for you hardly like a carabao flowing the field of success.   

            For Your Success!

            Jay Maghuyop Tan

P.S. If you haven't already, sit down with your significant other and determine your "why." Once you have the context of "why," determine your goals for this year and your steps to achieve them. Write them down and put them somewhere where you both will see them every day. 

P.S. II Begin taking action. For the first time in my life, I’m growing my money for my future. Naks. It’s a big change for me. I hope you also grow your money for your future. 

P.S III If you need help, I suggest that you join Bo Sanchez’TrulyRichClub because they’re incredible in teaching and guiding people how to invest for the future. 

P.S.4 I have the liberty to mentioned over here in my digital home, my personal thanks to Truly Rich Club family for the book I received “The Abundance Formula”. 

P.S. 5 Hi...if you think this post make sense in your end, maybe we can share this to your friends, and I am delighted and would say You're the Channel of Blessing to Others.