Saturday, March 22, 2014

Urgent Task To Execute Differently On Your Retirement

Think differently as Steve Jobs said, but worth revealing is the statement of Leo Tolstoi (1892): “The more is given, the less the people will work for themselves, and the less they work, the more their poverty will increase”. 

It cannot be denied that majority of the people die poor. Predominantly of the dual citizen meaning the senior adults [just kidding in saying “dual citizen”] I met and talked with just recently, and accordingly had not planned adequately for their old age to include my very own parents. 

As shared by, they had thought about it, yet had no categorical means and/or known any procedure in preparing the same. Moreover, deficient in clear concept of how age would affect them, that health and finances need to be cared for when we're young, and not when we're old. 

Truth on the matter being that majority of the senior adults now uttered something similar voice: “ The years went by so quickly...before I knew it my working years were over, and I found my retirement income wasn't enough.” 

To point out things in clearer view which lead us to an aspiration anchored a vain hope that tomorrow will be better. However, you can just imagine that like our health or your health situation is a result of habits, hence, a person's and/or your financial position. 

By analogy, in a gradual fashion thus one love to indulge in going to gambling den at first for relaxation purposes only, and the same might not put you in poverty. One day you wake up, you end up frequently going thereat and beating excessively for a significant period of time surely a direct route to bankruptcy vis-a-vis poverty. 

Imagine that if you neglect your health to include your financial foundation will surely leads you to  an eventual tragedy. 

I am sharing this with the intention of not to repeat the same mistakes maybe inadvertently committed by some of our older generation. Inadvertently,  because no one ever came in to the fore to share how to invest for their retirement passionately ever. 

Now you may post a query as to where do we Squeeze Out the Money to Invest?

Well to answer squarely is to invoke the Time Tested Formula of Pay Yourself First. Here is the real situation in view of our economic affairs: “ Most people want to save but don't know how...and most people know only how to spend.   

So then it is imperative to change the ways and/or the process of the aforementioned situation otherwise termed “Change the Formula...

           1. Pay God and yourself first—at the beginning of the month, before you pay anyone else  as said: “Give your 10% tithes, then write a check to yourself for 20% of your income and/or profits.

           2. Discipline yourself to live below your budget of 70% house expenses and if there is remaining maybe you can take the same with your lifestyle.

To summarize, from poverty formula which is Income-Expenses=Savings where further can be further elucidated  into Expenses | Life Styles | Debt to prosperity formula Income-Tithes-Savings-Expenses. 

With the aforementioned prosperity formula you can now chart how to fund your complete financial plans. To share this to you from my team the Truly Rich Makers:''Being Rich is not measured on the expensive things that we possess. Being Truly Rich is when you are surrounded by the people who loves you''. 

Just to impart and share my experienced on the aspect of securing our retirement with my family, hence we embarked some years ago on the journey to liberty of time and money. Then on we both my wife engrossed ourselves with the Key Steps to Financial Independence:

a). Financial Literacy;

b). Discipline, and

c). Entrepreneurship

Basically, I am passionate about getting information on the steps to financial independence which I've got it for free, hereunder are the contents:

                   1. 6 Steps to Financial Security;

                   2. How to prepare for your financial future: X-Curve Concept;

                   3. How Money Works: Rule of 72;

                   4. The prosperity formula;

                   5. The safe and correct way to investing: How to build wealth; and

                  6. Business Opportunity

I write this piece to share my experienced doing our homework with my wife to include our great son Jasper Kyle in this journey to liberty. And so we indulged in as said years ago, however, on first level of investing. 

I cannot forget during the financial coaching I've attended that in investing, there are three (3) major factors to consider: 

         1). Amount of money you invest;

         2). The Rate of Return; and

         3. The Time you allow your money to grow.

On the Rate of Return, we also know that the higher the Risk we take, the higher the rate of return we can have. So then as per guidance from our mentor-partner that we have to take first the so-called first level of investing where guaranteed to yield no less than 7% interest annually after it matures, then it offers the least risk. 

However, by all odds, My First Level of Investment offers the distinct advantage of a relatively higher return than most of these Level-1 Investment vehicles you can ride on.

Significantly, My First Level of Investment offers also a distinct advantage of guaranteed successful, disciplined approach in investing for all our major financial needs: 

            1. Healthcare for Old age, 

            2. Insurance Protection, 

            3. Money for Retirement Needs, 

            4. Emergency Funds. 

All Four in One needs which you can start up to invest on with very little amount of money as low as 72 Php per day.

So now you have seen the workable formula to liberty of your time and money, and best to retire comfortable truly rich, hence, you need to be financially literate. Don't be part of those majority who in the brink of tragedy. 

Let us change the landscape as based on a survey, only 2% of Filipino Senior Citizens are financially free and majority of them own business. So this is now our challenge, twenty (20) years or so from now let us change the statistical data.   

With all due respect, the Urgent Task to Execute Differently on Your Retirement is now not tomorrow. 


Jay Maghuyop Tan

You have any Questions? 

Feel at home to share to me any honest queries in the comment form below? And the most of all, if you have had any experience, knowledge with the topic, kindly please don't hesitate the same to share your insights/thoughts and suggestions. 

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